Your content. Unbound.
Why limit your content to just one place? We help you bring your titles to millions of comic readers in over 100 countries and regions, on all major platforms.
Service regions
100+ countries
Available LANGUAGE
iOS, Android, Web*
Millions of Homes.
Millions of Shops.
Every one of our readers has a unique, personalized Home full of relevant content. No matter what type of comic you have, we help you sell it to the right readers.

Fast & quality-assured localization
No English content? No problem.
Fast turnaround
We take care of localization with our proprietary INKR Localize tool and guarantee an optimal release frequency for your content.
Rigorous quality assurance
Our professional in-house localization team ensures the most authentic and natural results for each and every project.
Redistribute anywhere
We will provide you the distribution-ready, high-quality localized content so you can distribute it anywhere you want.
Multiple revenue streams
Our team works with you to understand your goals and provide the ideal monetization plan for your content.

Earn from advertisement revenue by providing chapters for free.
- Multiple ads placements
- Global ad inventory

INKR Extra
Earn from subscription revenue by requiring a subscription to access chapters.
- Continue earning from ads
- Can also be combined with coins

INKR Coins
Earn from coins revenue when readers unlock chapters.
- Can also be combined with INKR Extra
Your content has never looked better than this.
We create additional materials — cover photos, banners, and more — in various locations to maximize the chance that readers will check out your title.
Press Coverage
Kodansha USA partners with INKR Comics to bring manga to your phone
Kodansha USA has partnered with INKR Comics, a new app for reading and publishing comics, adding more than 400 volumes of manga to the app’s existing library.

The missing pages from Kakao, INKR’s digital comics chapter in SE Asia
Southeast Asia is a key market for digital comic platforms vying for the global readership pie.

INKR draws in $3.1M to make more comics accessible to worldwide audiences
INKR is a digital comics platform that crosses cultural and language divides, enabling creators to reach global audiences with its proprietary localization technology

Business Inquiries
Contact Us
International Plaza, #21-07
Singapore 079903
Crescent Plaza, Floor 7, Unit 3
District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam