Warm Wedding

Warm Wedding • Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-2035011
Chapter 30
This is a locked chapterChapter 30
About This Chapter
Back at the xia house, the young master tells his servant to return the moneys he has stolen from the family. He tells the servant not to bring shame on the family, but to use the money to do good deeds. The servant says he will take only 100 grand, which is too much for the three-year old. When the monitor comes to check on the progress of his mission, he tells his sister that he has to quickly return his card to her. She asks him about his hobby, and he tells her that he likes to play cards with girls. She tells him to hurry up and tell her everything. He says that he will beat her until she begs for mercy.
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Warm Wedding

Warm Wedding • Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-2035011
Chapter 30
This is a locked chapterChapter 30
About This Chapter
Back at the xia house, the young master tells his servant to return the moneys he has stolen from the family. He tells the servant not to bring shame on the family, but to use the money to do good deeds. The servant says he will take only 100 grand, which is too much for the three-year old. When the monitor comes to check on the progress of his mission, he tells his sister that he has to quickly return his card to her. She asks him about his hobby, and he tells her that he likes to play cards with girls. She tells him to hurry up and tell her everything. He says that he will beat her until she begs for mercy.
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