Which One?

Which One? • Chapter 24 • Page ik-page-1632407
Which One? • Chapter 24 • Page ik-page-1632412
Chapter 24
This is a locked chapterChapter 24
About This Chapter
Ruko, the sleeping siren, enters a bar in the middle of the night. She asks the bartender if he has Hiro's phone. The bartender says that he does, and Ruko asks why he would want to call her out of all the people she knows to pass out with him. She tells him that she is concerned about an angel who invited her to pick him up, and who gave her the angel's cell phone. Ruko is not sure what the angel is planning, but thanks him for calling her.
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Which One?

Which One? • Chapter 24 • Page ik-page-1632407
Which One? • Chapter 24 • Page ik-page-1632412
Chapter 24
This is a locked chapterChapter 24
About This Chapter
Ruko, the sleeping siren, enters a bar in the middle of the night. She asks the bartender if he has Hiro's phone. The bartender says that he does, and Ruko asks why he would want to call her out of all the people she knows to pass out with him. She tells him that she is concerned about an angel who invited her to pick him up, and who gave her the angel's cell phone. Ruko is not sure what the angel is planning, but thanks him for calling her.
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