Live Again and Be the Vampire Chairman’s Sweetie

Live Again and Be the Vampire Chairman’s Sweetie • Chapter 32: Give You a Little Heart • Page ik-page-3481139
Live Again and Be the Vampire Chairman’s Sweetie • Chapter 32: Give You a Little Heart • Page ik-page-3476950
Chapter 32: Give You a Little Heart
This is a locked chapterChapter 32: Give You a Little Heart
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the vampire's plan is to "live again" and "be rep the vampire Chairman's sweetie" . In other words, he's going to go back to being the guy who sucks Lilith's blood. He's also going to try to be a good cook, which means that he'll have to learn how to cook a whole bunch of dishes.
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Live Again and Be the Vampire Chairman’s Sweetie

Live Again and Be the Vampire Chairman’s Sweetie • Chapter 32: Give You a Little Heart • Page ik-page-3481139
Live Again and Be the Vampire Chairman’s Sweetie • Chapter 32: Give You a Little Heart • Page ik-page-3476950
Chapter 32: Give You a Little Heart
This is a locked chapterChapter 32: Give You a Little Heart
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the vampire's plan is to "live again" and "be rep the vampire Chairman's sweetie" . In other words, he's going to go back to being the guy who sucks Lilith's blood. He's also going to try to be a good cook, which means that he'll have to learn how to cook a whole bunch of dishes.
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