Live Again and Be the Vampire Chairman’s Sweetie • Chapter 31: Her Body Fragrance • Page ik-page-3481135
Live Again and Be the Vampire Chairman’s Sweetie • Chapter 31: Her Body Fragrance • Page ik-page-3476934
Chapter 31: Her Body Fragrance
This is a locked chapterChapter 31: Her Body Fragrance
About This Chapter
Back at the library, the Governess is having a hard time remembering what happened to her. The Governess's little boy follows her to the library and asks about her wound. The little boy tells her that she forgot to kiss him, and that the fluid of the vampire's blood can create illusions, so she'll have to cook something for him. She tells him to lower his head and lower his body, and he'll put on the apron for her. He's so excited that he runs down to find her.
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Live Again and Be the Vampire Chairman’s Sweetie • Chapter 31: Her Body Fragrance • Page ik-page-3481135
Live Again and Be the Vampire Chairman’s Sweetie • Chapter 31: Her Body Fragrance • Page ik-page-3476934
Chapter 31: Her Body Fragrance
This is a locked chapterChapter 31: Her Body Fragrance
About This Chapter
Back at the library, the Governess is having a hard time remembering what happened to her. The Governess's little boy follows her to the library and asks about her wound. The little boy tells her that she forgot to kiss him, and that the fluid of the vampire's blood can create illusions, so she'll have to cook something for him. She tells him to lower his head and lower his body, and he'll put on the apron for her. He's so excited that he runs down to find her.
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